
At imaginAge™ we believe the challenges of getting older can be faced, explored and transformed in meaningful and dynamic ways.

Our aim is to normalise the conversations about ageing in families and communities. Our aim is to tap into the conversations about ageing in families, communities and cultures from around the world and look into how the role of creativity can enhance the experience.

Our team draws upon extensive life experience ranging from:
The arts and media, training of carers, public health, development and change consultancy, social work, university lecturing and direct experience of caring for close relatives as they age.

imaginAge works closely with Reveal Productions.

Click here to visit the Reveal Productions homepage

“Care As You Are” – The Film

Care As You Are, created with Mary Renouf as part of our imaginAge projects, is a film about the emotional impact of caring for a parent or spouse with dementia. This project is funded by a grant from the “Solutions for an Ageing Society” programme run by Somerset Community Foundation in partnership with UnLtd, South West Academic Health Science Network and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

The film is written by Mary and directed by Joanna, working with dementia expert Dr Jane Dalrymple and carers groups in Somerset to ensure the script met the needs of carers. Conversations surrounding dementia in loved ones can be awkward and pushed under the carpet, especially when talking about feelings. People can feel isolated, frustrated and invisible.

Find out more about the project here